

RELIEF: COVID-19 Response

In response to the global pandemic, Step Forward is now partnering with 25 churches in the Middle East, North Africa and places in Europe like Turkey, Spain, England and Holland. These churches are serving thousands of refugees who are scattered and going through very tough circumstances. Also, our number of partner missionaries has increased to 45, serving in 12 countries, helping people to meet the true Savior.

RELIEF: The Crisis in Lebanon

The violent explosion in Beirut, Lebanon shocked the world. Almost half the city was demolished by the blast. With hundreds of lives lost and thousands injured the already struggling economy is now in shambles. Step Forward is partnered with a group of servant-leaders in Lebanon who are ready and willing to minister to the hurting and suffering. We need your help to bring relief to the crisis in Lebanon!

OUTREACH: Bringing Hope to the Refugees

Step Forward's focus is to partner with churches in the region to assist them in ministry to refugees. We empower local churches, faith communities and passionate workers to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the lives of the Iraqis and Syrian refugees. Churches offer the best vehicle for assisting those who arrive in their communities seeking the true God and looking for a redeemer to bring hope into their lives.

PARTNERSHIP: Together We Can Do More

Jesus took great care of every need in a human life so this is the focus of the churches we fund and provide training to advance their skills to serve effectively among the refugees with passion and love. The love Christ has for all of us! We invite you to contribute prayerfully and financially.